Building skills or expertise require improving the learnability. Learnability is the function of concentration and focus on the subject matter. Being one with the subject matter losing the subjectivity of the mind uncovers the multiple dimensions of the matter. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali provide eight limb Yoga practive to achieve the stats of Samadhi – complete oneness through the 8 staged process as below
- Yama
- Niyamas
- Asanas
- Pranayama
- Prathyahara
- Dharana (Concentration)
- Dhyana (Meditation or Contemplation)
- Samadhi (Oneness)
Sage Patanjali in very concise form called Sutras, depicts the evolution of the consciousness from personal and social hygiene to steadiness of posture, breath, withdrawal of senses, concentration, contemplation and oneness. Through the below Sutra, Sage Patanjali clearly demarcates the cognition – how the knowledge obtained through inference and testimony is different than the direct knowledge obtained through the intuition.
Apart from the above Sutra, Sage Patanajali further elaborates how the oneness to be achieved and how the higher consciousness developed through this process is Truth and Right beating (Ritimbara Pragnya).