We contribute to the idea of Balanced Learning through multiple channels – publishing the books and articles on self-discovery and self-management. Creating and sharing contents for people of special needs, developing websites to promote arts and culture.
Gems of Patanjali Yoga Sutras is a commentaty on Yoga sutras of patanjali written in concise form for beginners of yoga. The book is available in hardcover and kindle format on amazon.
BANDHU KRIYA IS A COPYRIGHT AND REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF BHARVI CONSULTING LLC. WE HAVE DEVELOPED A video course on Bandhu Kriya with Yoga Sutras, wellness modules giving step by step guidance on performing bandhu kriya.
This website https://autisminfo.bharvi.com share the information about autism to increase the awareness about autism. this is a forum for all parents and caretakers of those who are affected by autism to gain more help and informatION ABOUT autism and resources available.